damn things are changing QUICK.. who wouldve knew that everything was gonna be happening in a matter of days!!! =S some good, some not so good...some of my family's going though kind of a tough time right now :( thanks to those that understand and show care... :) just a couple sentences show me that there are such genuinely nice people out there :) makes me happy! ^_^
im so glad i just have to study for 3 exams right now..first two might be okay... last one SHOULD be easy... keeping my fingers crossed..then im pretty much gone for like half of december!!! that just means one thing.. im gonna be poor as shit for the new year! yeahhhh owned..for me :( meh oh well!.. at least i'll start off the year nice and relaxed and tanned (especially and hopefully that is)
..anyway hopefully she'll stay strong and start off fresh for the new year! i think its not a matter of how many friends you have, but how those friends treat you and how they unconditionally care about you... i know i'll always be there for her :) it just sucks seeing her like this :(
everything always works itself out in the end.. keep your head up.
aweee matt and natt doesnt have my purple wallet :( guess i'll have to wait for that.. boooo
anywho, completely done all my assignemtns now..all i gotta do is wait to submit them...and start studying..but of course...i've been slacking lol...shopping for gifts....and necessities..hmmm yeahh... watching tv? ... lol well i did read one chapter..thats a start... def wont get anythign done tmr either...lol hmmmm yeahh... i hate studying for marketing..i should start reading something else to keep my mind going... ugh but mhr is so borrrrringggg!!
also, i got my dress in the mail! woo hoo... a little long :S but.. i guess i can work with it.. meh oh wellzzz
i miss my boyfriend
anywho, completely done all my assignemtns now..all i gotta do is wait to submit them...and start studying..but of course...i've been slacking lol...shopping for gifts....and necessities..hmmm yeahh... watching tv? ... lol well i did read one chapter..thats a start... def wont get anythign done tmr either...lol hmmmm yeahh... i hate studying for marketing..i should start reading something else to keep my mind going... ugh but mhr is so borrrrringggg!!
also, i got my dress in the mail! woo hoo... a little long :S but.. i guess i can work with it.. meh oh wellzzz
i miss my boyfriend
i don't give a flying fuck
i just dont... the only thing on my mind right now is finishing up these damn assignments!! and exams... -____- and work....aahh stupid ken.. also, this mhr assignment is so annoying.. i have no clue whats going on .. cuz i skipped the last 3 classes haaha..but whatever..he's a dick anyway.. he clearly doesn't know how to teach... ugh.. at least i finished my marketing paper early.... well earlier than expected..so pretty proud of myself..wasnt that hard either... at least i hope i did it right.. hmm
anyway, can't wait till im done exams... then im fucking out of here.. in NICE HOT weather...tanning by the pool side... possibly at the beach.. good shopping... ahahah..
btw, has anyone heard the Leona Lewis version of Snow Patrol's Run?? amazzzingggg
also, the acoustic version of Bloc Party's This Modern Love... ALSO amazingggggg!!!
anyway, can't wait till im done exams... then im fucking out of here.. in NICE HOT weather...tanning by the pool side... possibly at the beach.. good shopping... ahahah..
btw, has anyone heard the Leona Lewis version of Snow Patrol's Run?? amazzzingggg
also, the acoustic version of Bloc Party's This Modern Love... ALSO amazingggggg!!!
mmm drop crotch

what whattttt...drop crotch seems to be the trend right now in the fashion world..how AWESOME do these look on her?? with those excellent heels... i wish i lived in paris sometimes.. or LA... def can't pull those off here....doesn't matter i can't pull them off anyway...
check out camille's version of her pants..she MADE them...ugh how talented :(

just a bit of shopping
YAYY!!! i know i shouldnt be..BUT who can pass up DEALS? i bought a couple things ONLY because they were on sale tho...
FIRST, i bought a dress off www.revolveclothing.com because for a few days it was FREE SHIPPING/FREE RETURNS anddddd also an additional 30% off everything!!! SO i bought this baby:

loveeee the zipper...AND the pockets....i think thats the latest trend these days.. zippers :) the dress was 44 retail...with 30% off came out to about 30 bucks... sweeettt deal huh??
next, i decided to check out www.gojane.com and see if there were any cheap boots.... cuz u know..STILL NEED BOOTS .. Sooo i bought these babies:
yeahh they're probably shit quality.. but oh well...they're 26 bucks online..BUT again, i found a coupon code online and i save 20%!! so the boots are really 20 bucks!!! this time i had to pay for shipping..but thats alright since i split it with someone...so yea :D i hope i dont get TOO owned with the current currency rate... anyway!! MUST STOP SPENDING.....esp if i plan on shopping like a madwoman in december :)
FIRST, i bought a dress off www.revolveclothing.com because for a few days it was FREE SHIPPING/FREE RETURNS anddddd also an additional 30% off everything!!! SO i bought this baby:

loveeee the zipper...AND the pockets....i think thats the latest trend these days.. zippers :) the dress was 44 retail...with 30% off came out to about 30 bucks... sweeettt deal huh??
next, i decided to check out www.gojane.com and see if there were any cheap boots.... cuz u know..STILL NEED BOOTS .. Sooo i bought these babies:
what i want for christmas pt. 1

- This purple matt&natt wallet from Little Burgundy (or from the website ;) )...isnt she a beauty?? eff i need that wallet :(
- i also want a pair of brown boots still... brown leather boots :(
- i'm also looking for a short sleeve chunky knit long cardigan/sweater so i can wear long sleeved shirts underneath and be all cozy....
- gift certificates to stores like: Zara, Aritzia, Urban Outfitters because i can't afford anything here and wish i could..so every little bit helps!
- a new cellphone..(unrealistically..but c'mon.. i have to...just in case)
for the ladies
Stop comparing yourself to other girls, no matter how pretty, clever, cool or cashed-up they are.
No one will ever have your unique twist of talents, perspectives or beauty.
You do enough. You have enough. You are enough.
Stop comparing yourself to other girls, no matter how talented, well-dressed, popular or capable they are.
You improve the world more than you can possibly comprehend, just by being true to who you are every day.
Go outside & be fabulous. Watching who you are, & seeing what you’re becoming, makes us so proud to know you. The world delights in your presence. We all love you very much.
aahhh what a great weekend... friday night went out for janice's and tommy's AND TONY'S birthday at honest lawyers..and it was GREAT!!! chris got hit on by a guy... lol anddddddd the bar was packed!!
but nonetheless..mission accomplished.. birthday peeps were KILLED....by LOTS of alcohol!!! :) the whole night was really fun!! im glad my ryerson friends showed up too...the more the merrier..too bad julian and nick couldnt come though :( but its oaky... aah lily then made me drive home too..that was intense..we dodged the ride program at kennedy and 14th that night... lol that was mighty close...we totally wouldve gone down that route too.... but thanks to a couple lifesavers..we avoided that.. whewww...got home at like 2:45.. baaahhh..
the next day we went out for lisa's birthday at mhq... hahah karaoke O

and then sunday..jsut exhuasted..went shopping and bought myself a cute slouchy beret for witner this year!! :) need to buy myself some boots still tho :( costa blanca x has some awesome sales.....just no sizes :( anywho, need to go to the dentist :( i think my wisdom teeth are coming out :(
going crazy
aahhh weekend was a ton of fun... got trashed on thursday...jeff puked 5 times...TRUE...haha worth it i guess.. even though i had to clean it up once...while drunk.... UGH gross
anyway..FINAL EXAM this tuesday!!! shieeet... i need to start taking notes and reviewing.. damn but the list just begins~!!
anyway..FINAL EXAM this tuesday!!! shieeet... i need to start taking notes and reviewing.. damn but the list just begins~!!
- ITM700 FINAL tuesday
- 720 report due monday
- mkt403 paper due friday
- ITM700 report due tuesday
- mhr report due friday
- mkt423 assignment due saturday
- mhr final friday
- mkt423 assignment due saturday / mkt 403 FINAL
- itm729 FINAL monday
aaahhhhh article after article after article...studying for this is ... soooo BORINGGGG...ugh so many terms..and its not like...a textbook..its like a course pack comprised of a billion academic journal articles......aka boring 20 page articles....... UGHH this is do or die.....the most important course of the PROGRAM..... better do good....its on tuesday :S so scurred.....
and then take a break of course by going to hammy to partttty and celebrate the birthday offffffff my jeffy. ugh can't wait..gonna get SMASHED...maybe..lol anywho, i just wanna thank some people for helping me make choices that much easier for me. if you're gonna allow that kinda shit to happen, then i'm gonna make the smart choice to avoid all that. grow up already will you? thanks! im gonna have fun next couple of weeks!! ahh.. sometimes im glad i just don't care about anything..someone once told me that i'm way too passive..meaning i never let anything bother me and not really "care" about anything... honestly, is that really a bad thing? i dont have time for other people's opinions..i base my choices on how i am treated and i do whats best for me. so really, you're doing it to yourself... living life stressfree (minus stress from school of course) is the way to go....why let these things affect you if its just gonna add stress to your life? totally unnecessary... :) happy november everyone! i know mine wont be too happy...aka assignments GALORE...also birthdays galore! janice and tommy's birthday on friday...gonna be funnnn with everyone there... and saturday lisa's birthday... woohoo!!!! lisa's so smart. ask her what she is and she'll tell you she's smart ;)
and then take a break of course by going to hammy to partttty and celebrate the birthday offffffff my jeffy. ugh can't wait..gonna get SMASHED...maybe..lol anywho, i just wanna thank some people for helping me make choices that much easier for me. if you're gonna allow that kinda shit to happen, then i'm gonna make the smart choice to avoid all that. grow up already will you? thanks! im gonna have fun next couple of weeks!! ahh.. sometimes im glad i just don't care about anything..someone once told me that i'm way too passive..meaning i never let anything bother me and not really "care" about anything... honestly, is that really a bad thing? i dont have time for other people's opinions..i base my choices on how i am treated and i do whats best for me. so really, you're doing it to yourself... living life stressfree (minus stress from school of course) is the way to go....why let these things affect you if its just gonna add stress to your life? totally unnecessary... :) happy november everyone! i know mine wont be too happy...aka assignments GALORE...also birthdays galore! janice and tommy's birthday on friday...gonna be funnnn with everyone there... and saturday lisa's birthday... woohoo!!!! lisa's so smart. ask her what she is and she'll tell you she's smart ;)
crunch time
ahhh..november is the worst..my google calendar is filled with assignment and project due dates... its going to be hectic... especially with TWO ..oops i mean THREEE..no wait FOURRRRR very important birthdays that i must attend to...its going to take a lot of dedication! *sigh* but it will be well worth it :) ugh.. aka i will fail my exam fo sho... effffffffffffff i can't afford do anything else but celebrate those birthdays this month.. i have to i have to i have to.... aahh

anyway, i think people need to calm down...take a step back..and stop hating the world and blaming everyone else for what happened. before you assume that everyone excluded you...find out your facts because thats not what happened at all...also, no one is obligated to do anything..at least in this case he wasnt..and it sucked that it had to go that way but oh well..what can you do right? so hey, take a chill pill! its not the end of the world and there are going to be endless opportunities!!! be positive!! :D
i hope everyone had a good halloween! i went to the raptors home opening...and then just played mj the rest of the night..hahaaha how fobby of me...but wahtever...kept it low key! to this day i have never gone out to celebrate halloween yet :( next year...i hope lol

anyway, i think people need to calm down...take a step back..and stop hating the world and blaming everyone else for what happened. before you assume that everyone excluded you...find out your facts because thats not what happened at all...also, no one is obligated to do anything..at least in this case he wasnt..and it sucked that it had to go that way but oh well..what can you do right? so hey, take a chill pill! its not the end of the world and there are going to be endless opportunities!!! be positive!! :D
i hope everyone had a good halloween! i went to the raptors home opening...and then just played mj the rest of the night..hahaaha how fobby of me...but wahtever...kept it low key! to this day i have never gone out to celebrate halloween yet :( next year...i hope lol
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