i just realized i discovered something extreme... All this time, running 30-40 minutes on the treadmill..... i'm crazy!!!! not only does this suck up so much of my time, i'm also probably not forcing myself to do as much level of intensity as i should be!!
So, accidentally, i discovered Zuzana's (from BodyRock.tv) youtube channel and eventually, her website. Basically, this European chick (that lives in LA i think) is a huge advocate of working out at home with little to no equipment! she doesn't believe in working out at the gym... for obvious reasons.. save money!! and she's JACKED.. (as you can tell from all her videos and her website). It's like watching fitness porn. Aside from her huge set of fake tits and her little amounts of clothing, her workouts are insane and they intrigue me!
Basically, she has workouts, and she is clearly a believer of interval training.. REAL interval training. What this means is that she does high intensity cardio work outs for 10-15 seconds at a time, then switches to another high intensity cardio exercise for another 10-15 seconds. She repeats this for 8 sets and the whole thing takes about 10-12 minutes. and she's done.. its insane..
For instance, look at this:
intense right? This one in particular focuses on abs and she does 6 different exercises...broken up into 3 parts
Part 1:
Exercise 1 - 10 seconds
Exercise 2 - 10 seconds
Repeat x 9
Part 2:
Exercise 3 right side - 30 seconds
Rest - 10 seconds
Exercise 3 left side - 30 seconds
Rest - 10 seconds
Exercise 4 - 30 seconds
Rest - 10 seconds
Repeat x 9
Part 3:
Exercise 5 - 10 seconds
Exercise 5 - 10 seconds
Repeat x 9
Now, this one is obviously really intense.. i think i can only last 1 set let alone 9!!! This woman is crazy.. but you get the idea! High intense cardio exercises for 10-20 seconds and you do a whole circuit of them, rest, and repeat 4-9 sets.
So i discussed this with a friend and she actually showed me another version from someone else.. Mike Chang (from SixPackShortcuts.com). Here`s his version (a little more easier as well)
His in particular is:
Jump Squats - 15 seconds
Side to side push ups - 15 seconds
Towel rows - 15 seconds
Towel raise - 15 seconds
Half burpees - 15 seconds
REST - 60 seconds
Repeat x 4
A LOT easier huh? I agree! The only thing with Mike Chang's is that it requires equipment.. (ie. a towel) which means it'll eat into your 15 seconds.. i think with something like this, it's probably best that you jump straight into another exercise as soon as possible. So i think what i'd probably try out is replacing the towel ones with Zuzana's exercises -- and not do the insane amount of sets like her.. (9??! really?!)
As you can tell, i'm blown away by this!! Below is a set of "little exercises" that I can use in this 9 minute interval workout!
For me, the idea is to kind of have a "menu" of workouts, and pick and choose 5 to do in 15 second intervals in a 5 exercise circuit. Does that make sense? I hope this works! I really have to make an effort to do this :(
*Click on their names above to links to their personal websites!
Had a night out with coworkers from work! went to Remy's in Yorkville.. and boy... was it ever expensive!!! (see below!) Clearly, Ian was enjoying himself because of the amount of girly drinks he ordered.. (you can see the amount of maraschino cherries he ate! and NOT ashamed of these drinks either! the girlier the better!) he was the reason for this outing because he wanted to get away from the visiting mother in-law! tsk tsk tsk!
But i have to say, it was a fun night out.. one of the "funner" one's I've had in awhile!! I thought it was worth every penny :) (there was like 10 of us FYI). It was a very low key type thing with just the members of my team (plus significant others) and it was fun! An older crowd but that's okay! It's definitely something different than a night in an asian dominant bubble tea "joint".. i love my alcohol :)