i just dont... the only thing on my mind right now is finishing up these damn assignments!! and exams... -____- and work....aahh stupid ken.. also, this mhr assignment is so annoying.. i have no clue whats going on .. cuz i skipped the last 3 classes haaha..but whatever..he's a dick anyway.. he clearly doesn't know how to teach... ugh.. at least i finished my marketing paper early.... well earlier than expected..so pretty proud of myself..wasnt that hard either... at least i hope i did it right.. hmm
anyway, can't wait till im done exams... then im fucking out of here.. in NICE HOT weather...tanning by the pool side... possibly at the beach.. good shopping... ahahah..
btw, has anyone heard the Leona Lewis version of Snow Patrol's Run?? amazzzingggg
also, the acoustic version of Bloc Party's This Modern Love... ALSO amazingggggg!!!