
Birch Forest No. 7 by Lisa Congdon

Timid Whale by Don Carney

Baby Giraffe No. 5 by Sharon Montrose

All images are from http://www.20x200.com/ and i believe they basically sell art.., that's affordable! these cost about $20. When looking at these things, i really can't stop myself from thinking about the future. I LIVE for the day i have my own place so i can decorate it with nice artwork. I love art...too bad i don't know anything about it :)


is this normal?

they're SO red!! and they've got liek..this big white thing in the middle.. almost as if they're gonna puss.... hmm...gross.. :(

so i was at work and...some people wanted to see it in action! :) so here it is!! first one closed quite fast if you can see it.. sorry for it being out of focus... second one closed pretty slowly! i'll try and do another video..i'm hoping it eats a fly.. but too bad there aren't that many near my desk..unless i intentionally leave some banana peels out?? worth it?