
Calgary!! I'm moved in!

SO! what you've all been waiting for!! and when i say ALL i mean ALL 2 followers of my blog :)

BUT i've finally moved my stuff into my place here in Calgary.. yes i still can't believe i'm actually living here!! in a different time zone! :( (MDT -07:00) that's code for mountain time and that i'm two hours behind!

OK so i know i might sound a bit weird but i am pretty congested right now and it's been annoying the crap out of me :( I had to train a class for an hour today with this... i feel like my nose and throat is just filled with 10 gallons of phelgm! AND I SUCK at coughing it out!! In my mind i think that if i swallow it, it'll disappear... :( ok enough about that...

So i did film this at night after a dinner with biggie! yay!! my first visitor!!! :) 

So yes we did go to Saltlik :) and it was awesome.. a lot of food and he really wanted to try the lobster butter soup... mashed potatoes and as good as they look, they weren't that good and NO we didnt finish it.... :) swear to god!

i walked home that night.. and it wasnt that bad.. streets were quiet of course..but i expected that.. the scariest part was just walking to the entrance of my place with that stupid drop in center right across the street :( what can i do! anyway, it's now 12am.. and i have to get up at 6am to get to the airport to make an 8am flight! back to toronto i go!