BUT i've finally moved my stuff into my place here in Calgary.. yes i still can't believe i'm actually living here!! in a different time zone! :( (MDT -07:00) that's code for mountain time and that i'm two hours behind!
OK so i know i might sound a bit weird but i am pretty congested right now and it's been annoying the crap out of me :( I had to train a class for an hour today with this... i feel like my nose and throat is just filled with 10 gallons of phelgm! AND I SUCK at coughing it out!! In my mind i think that if i swallow it, it'll disappear... :( ok enough about that...
So i did film this at night after a dinner with biggie! yay!! my first visitor!!! :)
So yes we did go to Saltlik :) and it was awesome.. a lot of food and he really wanted to try the lobster
i walked home that night.. and it wasnt that bad.. streets were quiet of course..but i expected that.. the scariest part was just walking to the entrance of my place with that stupid drop in center right across the street :( what can i do! anyway, it's now 12am.. and i have to get up at 6am to get to the airport to make an 8am flight! back to toronto i go!
LOL i cant hork it out either - i always resort to swallowing eew. ps surf looks gross, the turf looks pretty good - i envy your expensing of dinners! if you dont finish smth at a fancy restaurant do you doggy bag it? lol and if you do, do they fold the foil into a swan?
how do i become the 3rd follower?
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