on a happier note, i played little big planet today!!!! soooo much fun! i actually can't wait till it comes out..and i don't even own a ps3... nor can i get easy access to one.....well actually i think im gonna play it at my sister's place first =D i KNOW she'll like it.. she'll LOVE IT.. who can hate LBP?? it's just not possible!! they're so CUTE!!!
look at this lil chinese dragon sackboy!!! ^_^ i can't wait to customize my own little sackboy!!! or girl...but boys are so much

i got asked to do a short 2 question interview..cuz i was one of 3 girls in line probably... and i 'looked' like a gamer.. shes like "areyou a gamer?" im like..uhhhhhhhhhhhhh no.. not really...but id o like gaming? haha~ i think i underestimated myself just a bit.. but anyway, she asked me about influences games have on girls...in relation to girl gamers in general.. or soemthign like that.. i have no clue i just rambled on about how games nowadays are so violent and therefore not attracting girls to game...but now that i think about it.. gaming involves technology and naturally, girls just don't like technology all that much! i agree though.. shopping is just MUCH much easier!! ^_^
which reminds me.. i want my boots so badly =( but i think i'm not going to get them.. funds just don't support.. if i sell enough old/used clothing...then maybe i'll think about getting them....but first, bills are priority..
fuck. who am i kidding.. of course i care. why else am i so fucking upset. i'm not happy. can't you tell? can't you just show me signs of love and care for once? i'm not just a friend. jesus christ. i hate inconsistency. this doesn't get easier. it just gets harder.