Holy moly.. crazy morning
1. Leave the house, walked halfway to the bus stop, realized I forgot my headphones
2. Go back home, get my headphones, walk back to the bus stop
3. Realized I forgot ym wallet, so I go back home AGAIN to get it
4. Get on the subway .. and then at PAPE station they announce that thers a personal injury (I bet someone jumped) and they close off pape to st George station.. AAh
5. Get off at pape.. takes me 20 minutes to get OUT of pape station and thers a HUGE crowd just waiting to get on shuttle busses.. so I decide to walk
6. Walked from pape station to castle frank station.... took a nice picture off the bloor bridge over bayview and dvp :)
7. Got on the subway and finally got to work just after 10am lol
8. Now im enjoying a sausage eg mcmuffin (no butter).. :D do I even need to go to the gym today? hahaha