OY.. what a weekend!!! super fun.. (kind of stressful) but aahh....very relaxing.. :) thursday night studied... friday had 2 exams :( i think i did so bad on the 2nd one.. argh.. almost ran out of time too.. shiet... and then friday night.. BONNIE'S GONGSHOW in toronto!!!! such a great night!
after my online midterm.. RUSHED over to tommys for the pre drink....with half an hour to spare, birthday girl not even there yet... we drank as much as we possibly could before the limo got there.. and then went down... and the rest is history..(like actually since no one remembers anything apparently) aah but super fun.. saturday.. LITERALLY did nothing... lounged around.. went out for lunch..then went back home and slept till liek 4pm.. TRUE! i went home for dinner..rested up... and went to jeffs house to hang out and... NOT play hide and seek in the dark... =\ ahahha for 2 hours.. ughh by the end of the night.. i was so tired.. -_____- slept excellent tho becuase i woke up today just knowing i'll be feasting tonight...yummmm turkey....*drools*
ahh now im super tired...and now i have to finish an assignment thats due for tuesday.. the madness continues..(at least i have no midterms twice in one day -___-) i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving!!