aahhh what a great weekend... friday night went out for janice's and tommy's AND TONY'S birthday at honest lawyers..and it was GREAT!!! chris got hit on by a guy... lol anddddddd the bar was packed!!
but nonetheless..mission accomplished.. birthday peeps were KILLED....by LOTS of alcohol!!! :) the whole night was really fun!! im glad my ryerson friends showed up too...the more the merrier..too bad julian and nick couldnt come though :( but its oaky... aah lily then made me drive home too..that was intense..we dodged the ride program at kennedy and 14th that night... lol that was mighty close...we totally wouldve gone down that route too.... but thanks to a couple lifesavers..we avoided that.. whewww...got home at like 2:45.. baaahhh..
the next day we went out for lisa's birthday at mhq... hahah karaoke O

and then sunday..jsut exhuasted..went shopping and bought myself a cute slouchy beret for witner this year!! :) need to buy myself some boots still tho :( costa blanca x has some awesome sales.....just no sizes :( anywho, need to go to the dentist :( i think my wisdom teeth are coming out :(