merry christmas!!! in new jersey right now :)
haven't done any shopping becuase i got here last night at like 1am... and the next day was i did family stuff..geoffrey is so adorable..not as much as before LOL but still cute heheheehe i love him! aweeeeeeee what a bad kid tho lol
anywho...let the recession deals begin!!!!
HOME....for now
so i'm back from florida!!! what a blast.. had a great time! not that much shopping but thats was more of a relaxation wasnt SUPER great....not blazing hot..but just the perfect amount of breeziness....we just forced ourselves to go into the even though it wasnt SUPER hot.but the sun would peek out its all good... plus, miami was nice and hot also!!! great trip!!

more pictures:
**edit** password: amanda
enjoy creeping :D
it was pretty awkward seeing christmas stuff there.. i think we were convinced it wasnt anyway, home for a few days then off to new jersey..let the shopping THERE begin!!!!! =D and more eating... i gained a lot of holiday pounds.. i know it normal..but still..LOL im so fat hAhahahaa oh welllllll..TRUE TRUE TRUEE TRUE TRUE ... hahahaha what a great vacation.. will definitely go again in the future.. moar people moar moar moar!!!
p.s. my sister's engaged and im the maid of honour... TRUE
more pictures:
**edit** password: amanda
enjoy creeping :D
it was pretty awkward seeing christmas stuff there.. i think we were convinced it wasnt anyway, home for a few days then off to new jersey..let the shopping THERE begin!!!!! =D and more eating... i gained a lot of holiday pounds.. i know it normal..but still..LOL im so fat hAhahahaa oh welllllll..TRUE TRUE TRUEE TRUE TRUE ... hahahaha what a great vacation.. will definitely go again in the future.. moar people moar moar moar!!!
p.s. my sister's engaged and im the maid of honour... TRUE
yeahhhhh!!! finally.. i hate winter i hate snow i hate ice scraping i hate driving in winter i hate the ice i hate the cold
i can taste it..
ugh the end is SO close :(
good thing im confident about this exam..otherwise...the lack of studying wouldve destroyed me
good thing im confident about this exam..otherwise...the lack of studying wouldve destroyed me
studying on a friday
damn :( exam tmr morning at 9am..that just means a 7am wake up call..ugh
but anyway today's exam was so brutal...literally writing for 3 horus straight.. i probalby wrote liek 5 essays... like sersiouly non stop..and the worst part was everything was SOOO repetitive.. so not only was i writing for 3 horus straight.. i WAS WRITING THE SAME DAMN THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN... ugh.. last few questions i was literally thinkgin "I JUST WANT TO FINSIH I DONT EVEN CARE WHAT IM WRITING" ... ughhh!! after we all left and hung around .. eveyrone pretty much came out of the room looking like they didnt know what hit them... "my hands are dead" or "wtf was that exam all about?" was one of two things that everyone FIRST said lol.... i remember thinking to myself while writing ... "wow im gonna kick the shit out of this prof" cuz there was so much writing.. 8 questions...and i probalby answered like 1.5 pages EACH question.... KILL ME....good thing my next two exams are all MC..... coloring time :) i'd rather read a bunch than write a bunch...
anywho, went to our LAST ITM+lawrence-mike LUNCH TODAY!!! :(( our last official SCHOOl lunch that is...julian will be close by so it'll be okay..awee and last night during our group itm chat... awee brought back a lot of good ryerson memories.. lol like TAN....whom i've never met but seen plenty....and hes disgusting.....and has madd greasy hair...and BOBBY HAAHA who can forget bobby? that fat ass of a jerk...ugh still wanna punch him in the face...and ahh.. mackenzie...who wouldnt let us and those pranks that were pulled...well not to omany..but several BIG ones... loll aiya :( good times... makes me realize that these are the colleagues ...that i'll be in touch with my whole life.. (at least try my best to).. my life long friends :)

picture minus a few...but doing the signature itm pose.....we think? and lawrence is a bad photographer
btw.... i found this while google reading.. OH MY GOD ARENT THESE THE MOST PRECIOUS THINGS EVER?! they LITERALLY look liek this emoticon ---> ^_^ ... like ACTuALLY... when i look at them i can't help but chuckle and smile...SO CUTEEEEE!!!!!! LOVE THEM!!!!!

his name is Genghis Khan and he belongs to Martha Stewart!!! aweee!!... here are his sisters:

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
but anyway today's exam was so brutal...literally writing for 3 horus straight.. i probalby wrote liek 5 essays... like sersiouly non stop..and the worst part was everything was SOOO repetitive.. so not only was i writing for 3 horus straight.. i WAS WRITING THE SAME DAMN THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN... ugh.. last few questions i was literally thinkgin "I JUST WANT TO FINSIH I DONT EVEN CARE WHAT IM WRITING" ... ughhh!! after we all left and hung around .. eveyrone pretty much came out of the room looking like they didnt know what hit them... "my hands are dead" or "wtf was that exam all about?" was one of two things that everyone FIRST said lol.... i remember thinking to myself while writing ... "wow im gonna kick the shit out of this prof" cuz there was so much writing.. 8 questions...and i probalby answered like 1.5 pages EACH question.... KILL ME....good thing my next two exams are all MC..... coloring time :) i'd rather read a bunch than write a bunch...
anywho, went to our LAST ITM+lawrence-mike LUNCH TODAY!!! :(( our last official SCHOOl lunch that is...julian will be close by so it'll be okay..awee and last night during our group itm chat... awee brought back a lot of good ryerson memories.. lol like TAN....whom i've never met but seen plenty....and hes disgusting.....and has madd greasy hair...and BOBBY HAAHA who can forget bobby? that fat ass of a jerk...ugh still wanna punch him in the face...and ahh.. mackenzie...who wouldnt let us and those pranks that were pulled...well not to omany..but several BIG ones... loll aiya :( good times... makes me realize that these are the colleagues ...that i'll be in touch with my whole life.. (at least try my best to).. my life long friends :)
picture minus a few...but doing the signature itm pose.....we think? and lawrence is a bad photographer
btw.... i found this while google reading.. OH MY GOD ARENT THESE THE MOST PRECIOUS THINGS EVER?! they LITERALLY look liek this emoticon ---> ^_^ ... like ACTuALLY... when i look at them i can't help but chuckle and smile...SO CUTEEEEE!!!!!! LOVE THEM!!!!!

his name is Genghis Khan and he belongs to Martha Stewart!!! aweee!!... here are his sisters:

must watch
omggggg this is the sweeetest thign EVER...everyone needs to watch it :):) he even taped yarn to his face!! AAAAAHHH LOLL
i wish my boyfriend would even consider WISHING he could do it for me.. let alone being able to strum a guitar and sing a few lines...
so sweet!!! i'm such a hopeless romantic! these things sweep me off my feet!! aweeee!
p.s. wal-marts are 24 hour!!!!! YIPEEE!! neeeeeedd to go there and just waste time there late at night... love wal-mart!! :)
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