i was in the middle of uploading my video and then i realized there was a blurb saying that this was totally illegal :( BAH
hmmm what else.. i just wanted to say that i'm really happy with my boyfriend :) i have to let it out somewhere and i decided i should maybe put it on a blog for the world to read..although i'm pretty sure i don't get many hits! WIN! but anyway, i just feel that we're both so compatible in so many ways...and that i'm so lucky i was introduced to him... he's THE biggest goofball ever...but i love that about him...even though sometimes i do get tired of his jokes..(haha yes .. i really do)... almost everytime after i think that, i say to myself..."are you crazy? how can you be sick of his jokes? if he didn't make jokes, he'd be your typical, boring, boyfriend" and immediately, i snap out of it and am captured again by his humour. that's whats so different about him. he never stops! and i think thats what keeps us going. its safe to say that for me, every single time i see him.... (yes, EVERY SINGLE TIME), i say to myself.. i love this guy..and i get the BIGGEST smile on my face.. and it's something i can't help either... it's so rare that we get into fights.. i don't even think we've ever gotten into a huge one...but fights happen and we get over it. mind you, some of these fights are because of my stupidity, but he's still there. beside me through thick and thin. I'm really glad we get along so well. he's everything i could ever ask for. i LOVE how i can talk about fashion with this guy and totally understand what i'm talking about. how many boyfriends can you do that with? and i'm not talking about just "oh do you like this shirt?" kind of talk.. we talk about our favorite fashion bloggers and stuff..and this is a huge deal for me because i can't even talk to my girl friends about my favourite bloggers..or the fact that we would both take pictures of ourselves and our outfits and post them on the internet! i kept that secret to myself and him for such a long time because i was scared of what other people would think of me!!.. hahaha ok this is starting to sound lame... the point i'm trying to make is that i'm so happy we have things in common to talk about and that we never run out of things to say to each other. i can be myself 100% with him... i think its safe to say that we treat each other so well with equality.. he lets me pay for things and he lets me do what i want to do.. he doesn't tell me what i can and can't do..he lets me do things i want and he trusts me. i can honestly say that i've never thought about dating another guy or seeing someone else because i'm always comparing these people with him and it really can't get much better than that.. i think our spark just gets brighter and brighter and i'm SO excited to (hopefully) spend the rest of my life with...this is just the beginning and thinking about the future just makes me so happy :) i think this is starting to sound like a creepy psycho profession of love/obsession...its not.. i'm just doing this for fun and step back and just realize what i've got..and i realize that i'm pretty damn lucky.
you mekk me heppy "less than three" kekekekekekkekekke
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