i just don't care anymore. don't care about what you do, don't care about the choices you make... i just don't care. hey, its your life right? its just too bad you don't realize what the consequences are. whatever... it's not like im priority anyway, right? or at least thats the vibe i'm getting.
on a happier note, i played little big planet today!!!! soooo much fun! i actually can't wait till it comes out..and i don't even own a ps3... nor can i get easy access to one.....well actually i think im gonna play it at my sister's place first =D i KNOW she'll like it.. she'll LOVE IT.. who can hate LBP?? it's just not possible!! they're so CUTE!!!
look at this lil chinese dragon sackboy!!! ^_^ i can't wait to customize my own little sackboy!!! or girl...but boys are so much

cuter..don't you agree?
i got asked to do a short 2 question interview..cuz i was one of 3 girls in line probably... and i 'looked' like a gamer.. shes like "areyou a gamer?" im like..uhhhhhhhhhhhhh no.. not really...but id o like gaming? haha~ i think i underestimated myself just a bit.. but anyway, she asked me about influences games have on girls...in relation to girl gamers in general.. or soemthign like that.. i have no clue i just rambled on about how games nowadays are so violent and therefore not attracting girls to game...but now that i think about it.. gaming involves technology and naturally, girls just don't like technology all that much! i agree though.. shopping is just MUCH much easier!! ^_^
which reminds me.. i want my boots so badly =( but i think i'm not going to get them.. funds just don't support.. if i sell enough old/used clothing...then
maybe i'll think about getting them....but first, bills are priority..
fuck. who am i kidding.. of course i care. why else am i so fucking upset.
i'm not happy. can't you tell? can't you just show me signs of love and care for once? i'm not
just a friend. jesus christ. i
hate inconsistency. this doesn't get easier. it just gets harder.