one more midterm!!! FINALLY... then a million assignments and papers to come!!! which is alright i guess.. i don't mind TOO much.. hmm..
- mhr 2nd report
- itm700 final report - nov 18th
- mkt403 issue paper - nov 21st
- mkt423 questionnaire
- itm729 report
and i think that seems to be it... and i know im missing a lot there but those are the major deadlines and assignments =\ at least i dont have to study...ugh i hate studying!! assignments > studying i think for me... yeah... oct is the midterm month..nov is the assignment month...dec is the final exam month.... so the only month that's fairly relaxing is the very beginning.. ugh i can't wait till the beginning of next should be much less work! and then..VACATION time!!!
mm im excited...might go to florida in feb... then might just ditch the idea of doing a grand europe/japan trip in april/may and do a cuba/dominican trip since a lot of people seem to be down... it's probably cheaper to book in a group..but i dont think i'd car plan is to tell everyone the location, the date, the price and at which agency and let people do it themselves... thers no way i'm going to plan a GROUP thing...the paying would be INSANE.. and to collect that much from everyone? man..but then im sure thers an easier way....i think i'll go in and talk to someone about that...either way.. i don't really care who's going and who's not..i know a solid amount of people that are 100% and im content with that! its going to be FUN! just gonna be drunk 24/7 and tan like relaxing after...lets see..16 years of schooling.. KG doesnt count cuz u play all day =) but aaaahhh.. we all deserve this... and i nkow a lot of people aren't graduating on time due to coop, not enough credits, whatever the reason, then they deserve it MOREEE!! time to damage that bank account (and make it back later hahaa) just imagine ourselves swimming at 9pm in the night.. with a drink in hand of course..not having to worry about a care in the world...ahhhh tasty..
omgggggg!! words cant even describe how much i freakin miss you!! i feel like we haven't talked in SOO long...well we haven't talked! :( ahh...but soontime...we'll go out for a celebratory dinner for exams ending. thats gonna have to wait til nov! :( BOO! we have conflicting schedules. hahahaha ahhhhhhhh but i misss u, hope things are going well on ur part. we gotta go out and catch up soon! :)and party time sooooooon! :)
omgosh here you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was wondering how come you didn't update you xanga for so long!! lol i guess i will be here often :)
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