merry christmas!!! in new jersey right now :)
haven't done any shopping becuase i got here last night at like 1am... and the next day was i did family stuff..geoffrey is so adorable..not as much as before LOL but still cute heheheehe i love him! aweeeeeeee what a bad kid tho lol
anywho...let the recession deals begin!!!!
HOME....for now
so i'm back from florida!!! what a blast.. had a great time! not that much shopping but thats was more of a relaxation wasnt SUPER great....not blazing hot..but just the perfect amount of breeziness....we just forced ourselves to go into the even though it wasnt SUPER hot.but the sun would peek out its all good... plus, miami was nice and hot also!!! great trip!!

more pictures:
**edit** password: amanda
enjoy creeping :D
it was pretty awkward seeing christmas stuff there.. i think we were convinced it wasnt anyway, home for a few days then off to new jersey..let the shopping THERE begin!!!!! =D and more eating... i gained a lot of holiday pounds.. i know it normal..but still..LOL im so fat hAhahahaa oh welllllll..TRUE TRUE TRUEE TRUE TRUE ... hahahaha what a great vacation.. will definitely go again in the future.. moar people moar moar moar!!!
p.s. my sister's engaged and im the maid of honour... TRUE
more pictures:
**edit** password: amanda
enjoy creeping :D
it was pretty awkward seeing christmas stuff there.. i think we were convinced it wasnt anyway, home for a few days then off to new jersey..let the shopping THERE begin!!!!! =D and more eating... i gained a lot of holiday pounds.. i know it normal..but still..LOL im so fat hAhahahaa oh welllllll..TRUE TRUE TRUEE TRUE TRUE ... hahahaha what a great vacation.. will definitely go again in the future.. moar people moar moar moar!!!
p.s. my sister's engaged and im the maid of honour... TRUE
yeahhhhh!!! finally.. i hate winter i hate snow i hate ice scraping i hate driving in winter i hate the ice i hate the cold
i can taste it..
ugh the end is SO close :(
good thing im confident about this exam..otherwise...the lack of studying wouldve destroyed me
good thing im confident about this exam..otherwise...the lack of studying wouldve destroyed me
studying on a friday
damn :( exam tmr morning at 9am..that just means a 7am wake up call..ugh
but anyway today's exam was so brutal...literally writing for 3 horus straight.. i probalby wrote liek 5 essays... like sersiouly non stop..and the worst part was everything was SOOO repetitive.. so not only was i writing for 3 horus straight.. i WAS WRITING THE SAME DAMN THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN... ugh.. last few questions i was literally thinkgin "I JUST WANT TO FINSIH I DONT EVEN CARE WHAT IM WRITING" ... ughhh!! after we all left and hung around .. eveyrone pretty much came out of the room looking like they didnt know what hit them... "my hands are dead" or "wtf was that exam all about?" was one of two things that everyone FIRST said lol.... i remember thinking to myself while writing ... "wow im gonna kick the shit out of this prof" cuz there was so much writing.. 8 questions...and i probalby answered like 1.5 pages EACH question.... KILL ME....good thing my next two exams are all MC..... coloring time :) i'd rather read a bunch than write a bunch...
anywho, went to our LAST ITM+lawrence-mike LUNCH TODAY!!! :(( our last official SCHOOl lunch that is...julian will be close by so it'll be okay..awee and last night during our group itm chat... awee brought back a lot of good ryerson memories.. lol like TAN....whom i've never met but seen plenty....and hes disgusting.....and has madd greasy hair...and BOBBY HAAHA who can forget bobby? that fat ass of a jerk...ugh still wanna punch him in the face...and ahh.. mackenzie...who wouldnt let us and those pranks that were pulled...well not to omany..but several BIG ones... loll aiya :( good times... makes me realize that these are the colleagues ...that i'll be in touch with my whole life.. (at least try my best to).. my life long friends :)

picture minus a few...but doing the signature itm pose.....we think? and lawrence is a bad photographer
btw.... i found this while google reading.. OH MY GOD ARENT THESE THE MOST PRECIOUS THINGS EVER?! they LITERALLY look liek this emoticon ---> ^_^ ... like ACTuALLY... when i look at them i can't help but chuckle and smile...SO CUTEEEEE!!!!!! LOVE THEM!!!!!

his name is Genghis Khan and he belongs to Martha Stewart!!! aweee!!... here are his sisters:

^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
but anyway today's exam was so brutal...literally writing for 3 horus straight.. i probalby wrote liek 5 essays... like sersiouly non stop..and the worst part was everything was SOOO repetitive.. so not only was i writing for 3 horus straight.. i WAS WRITING THE SAME DAMN THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN... ugh.. last few questions i was literally thinkgin "I JUST WANT TO FINSIH I DONT EVEN CARE WHAT IM WRITING" ... ughhh!! after we all left and hung around .. eveyrone pretty much came out of the room looking like they didnt know what hit them... "my hands are dead" or "wtf was that exam all about?" was one of two things that everyone FIRST said lol.... i remember thinking to myself while writing ... "wow im gonna kick the shit out of this prof" cuz there was so much writing.. 8 questions...and i probalby answered like 1.5 pages EACH question.... KILL ME....good thing my next two exams are all MC..... coloring time :) i'd rather read a bunch than write a bunch...
anywho, went to our LAST ITM+lawrence-mike LUNCH TODAY!!! :(( our last official SCHOOl lunch that is...julian will be close by so it'll be okay..awee and last night during our group itm chat... awee brought back a lot of good ryerson memories.. lol like TAN....whom i've never met but seen plenty....and hes disgusting.....and has madd greasy hair...and BOBBY HAAHA who can forget bobby? that fat ass of a jerk...ugh still wanna punch him in the face...and ahh.. mackenzie...who wouldnt let us and those pranks that were pulled...well not to omany..but several BIG ones... loll aiya :( good times... makes me realize that these are the colleagues ...that i'll be in touch with my whole life.. (at least try my best to).. my life long friends :)
picture minus a few...but doing the signature itm pose.....we think? and lawrence is a bad photographer
btw.... i found this while google reading.. OH MY GOD ARENT THESE THE MOST PRECIOUS THINGS EVER?! they LITERALLY look liek this emoticon ---> ^_^ ... like ACTuALLY... when i look at them i can't help but chuckle and smile...SO CUTEEEEE!!!!!! LOVE THEM!!!!!

his name is Genghis Khan and he belongs to Martha Stewart!!! aweee!!... here are his sisters:

must watch
omggggg this is the sweeetest thign EVER...everyone needs to watch it :):) he even taped yarn to his face!! AAAAAHHH LOLL
i wish my boyfriend would even consider WISHING he could do it for me.. let alone being able to strum a guitar and sing a few lines...
so sweet!!! i'm such a hopeless romantic! these things sweep me off my feet!! aweeee!
p.s. wal-marts are 24 hour!!!!! YIPEEE!! neeeeeedd to go there and just waste time there late at night... love wal-mart!! :)
damn things are changing QUICK.. who wouldve knew that everything was gonna be happening in a matter of days!!! =S some good, some not so good...some of my family's going though kind of a tough time right now :( thanks to those that understand and show care... :) just a couple sentences show me that there are such genuinely nice people out there :) makes me happy! ^_^
im so glad i just have to study for 3 exams right now..first two might be okay... last one SHOULD be easy... keeping my fingers crossed..then im pretty much gone for like half of december!!! that just means one thing.. im gonna be poor as shit for the new year! yeahhhh owned..for me :( meh oh well!.. at least i'll start off the year nice and relaxed and tanned (especially and hopefully that is)
..anyway hopefully she'll stay strong and start off fresh for the new year! i think its not a matter of how many friends you have, but how those friends treat you and how they unconditionally care about you... i know i'll always be there for her :) it just sucks seeing her like this :(
everything always works itself out in the end.. keep your head up.
im so glad i just have to study for 3 exams right now..first two might be okay... last one SHOULD be easy... keeping my fingers crossed..then im pretty much gone for like half of december!!! that just means one thing.. im gonna be poor as shit for the new year! yeahhhh owned..for me :( meh oh well!.. at least i'll start off the year nice and relaxed and tanned (especially and hopefully that is)
..anyway hopefully she'll stay strong and start off fresh for the new year! i think its not a matter of how many friends you have, but how those friends treat you and how they unconditionally care about you... i know i'll always be there for her :) it just sucks seeing her like this :(
everything always works itself out in the end.. keep your head up.
aweee matt and natt doesnt have my purple wallet :( guess i'll have to wait for that.. boooo
anywho, completely done all my assignemtns now..all i gotta do is wait to submit them...and start studying..but of course...i've been slacking for gifts....and necessities..hmmm yeahh... watching tv? ... lol well i did read one chapter..thats a start... def wont get anythign done tmr hmmmm yeahh... i hate studying for marketing..i should start reading something else to keep my mind going... ugh but mhr is so borrrrringggg!!
also, i got my dress in the mail! woo hoo... a little long :S but.. i guess i can work with it.. meh oh wellzzz
i miss my boyfriend
anywho, completely done all my assignemtns now..all i gotta do is wait to submit them...and start studying..but of course...i've been slacking for gifts....and necessities..hmmm yeahh... watching tv? ... lol well i did read one chapter..thats a start... def wont get anythign done tmr hmmmm yeahh... i hate studying for marketing..i should start reading something else to keep my mind going... ugh but mhr is so borrrrringggg!!
also, i got my dress in the mail! woo hoo... a little long :S but.. i guess i can work with it.. meh oh wellzzz
i miss my boyfriend
i don't give a flying fuck
i just dont... the only thing on my mind right now is finishing up these damn assignments!! and exams... -____- and work....aahh stupid ken.. also, this mhr assignment is so annoying.. i have no clue whats going on .. cuz i skipped the last 3 classes haaha..but whatever..he's a dick anyway.. he clearly doesn't know how to teach... ugh.. at least i finished my marketing paper early.... well earlier than pretty proud of myself..wasnt that hard either... at least i hope i did it right.. hmm
anyway, can't wait till im done exams... then im fucking out of here.. in NICE HOT weather...tanning by the pool side... possibly at the beach.. good shopping... ahahah..
btw, has anyone heard the Leona Lewis version of Snow Patrol's Run?? amazzzingggg
also, the acoustic version of Bloc Party's This Modern Love... ALSO amazingggggg!!!
anyway, can't wait till im done exams... then im fucking out of here.. in NICE HOT weather...tanning by the pool side... possibly at the beach.. good shopping... ahahah..
btw, has anyone heard the Leona Lewis version of Snow Patrol's Run?? amazzzingggg
also, the acoustic version of Bloc Party's This Modern Love... ALSO amazingggggg!!!
mmm drop crotch

what whattttt...drop crotch seems to be the trend right now in the fashion AWESOME do these look on her?? with those excellent heels... i wish i lived in paris sometimes.. or LA... def can't pull those off here....doesn't matter i can't pull them off anyway...
check out camille's version of her pants..she MADE them...ugh how talented :(

just a bit of shopping
YAYY!!! i know i shouldnt be..BUT who can pass up DEALS? i bought a couple things ONLY because they were on sale tho...
FIRST, i bought a dress off because for a few days it was FREE SHIPPING/FREE RETURNS anddddd also an additional 30% off everything!!! SO i bought this baby:

loveeee the zipper...AND the pockets....i think thats the latest trend these days.. zippers :) the dress was 44 retail...with 30% off came out to about 30 bucks... sweeettt deal huh??
next, i decided to check out and see if there were any cheap boots.... cuz u know..STILL NEED BOOTS .. Sooo i bought these babies:
yeahh they're probably shit quality.. but oh well...they're 26 bucks online..BUT again, i found a coupon code online and i save 20%!! so the boots are really 20 bucks!!! this time i had to pay for shipping..but thats alright since i split it with yea :D i hope i dont get TOO owned with the current currency rate... anyway!! MUST STOP SPENDING.....esp if i plan on shopping like a madwoman in december :)
FIRST, i bought a dress off because for a few days it was FREE SHIPPING/FREE RETURNS anddddd also an additional 30% off everything!!! SO i bought this baby:

loveeee the zipper...AND the pockets....i think thats the latest trend these days.. zippers :) the dress was 44 retail...with 30% off came out to about 30 bucks... sweeettt deal huh??
next, i decided to check out and see if there were any cheap boots.... cuz u know..STILL NEED BOOTS .. Sooo i bought these babies:
what i want for christmas pt. 1

- This purple matt&natt wallet from Little Burgundy (or from the website ;) )...isnt she a beauty?? eff i need that wallet :(
- i also want a pair of brown boots still... brown leather boots :(
- i'm also looking for a short sleeve chunky knit long cardigan/sweater so i can wear long sleeved shirts underneath and be all cozy....
- gift certificates to stores like: Zara, Aritzia, Urban Outfitters because i can't afford anything here and wish i every little bit helps!
- a new cellphone..(unrealistically..but c'mon.. i have to...just in case)
for the ladies
Stop comparing yourself to other girls, no matter how pretty, clever, cool or cashed-up they are.
No one will ever have your unique twist of talents, perspectives or beauty.
You do enough. You have enough. You are enough.
Stop comparing yourself to other girls, no matter how talented, well-dressed, popular or capable they are.
You improve the world more than you can possibly comprehend, just by being true to who you are every day.
Go outside & be fabulous. Watching who you are, & seeing what you’re becoming, makes us so proud to know you. The world delights in your presence. We all love you very much.
aahhh what a great weekend... friday night went out for janice's and tommy's AND TONY'S birthday at honest lawyers..and it was GREAT!!! chris got hit on by a guy... lol anddddddd the bar was packed!!
but nonetheless..mission accomplished.. birthday peeps were LOTS of alcohol!!! :) the whole night was really fun!! im glad my ryerson friends showed up too...the more the merrier..too bad julian and nick couldnt come though :( but its oaky... aah lily then made me drive home too..that was intense..we dodged the ride program at kennedy and 14th that night... lol that was mighty close...we totally wouldve gone down that route too.... but thanks to a couple lifesavers..we avoided that.. home at like 2:45.. baaahhh..
the next day we went out for lisa's birthday at mhq... hahah karaoke O

and then sunday..jsut exhuasted..went shopping and bought myself a cute slouchy beret for witner this year!! :) need to buy myself some boots still tho :( costa blanca x has some awesome sales.....just no sizes :( anywho, need to go to the dentist :( i think my wisdom teeth are coming out :(
going crazy
aahhh weekend was a ton of fun... got trashed on thursday...jeff puked 5 times...TRUE...haha worth it i guess.. even though i had to clean it up once...while drunk.... UGH gross
anyway..FINAL EXAM this tuesday!!! shieeet... i need to start taking notes and reviewing.. damn but the list just begins~!!
anyway..FINAL EXAM this tuesday!!! shieeet... i need to start taking notes and reviewing.. damn but the list just begins~!!
- ITM700 FINAL tuesday
- 720 report due monday
- mkt403 paper due friday
- ITM700 report due tuesday
- mhr report due friday
- mkt423 assignment due saturday
- mhr final friday
- mkt423 assignment due saturday / mkt 403 FINAL
- itm729 FINAL monday
aaahhhhh article after article after article...studying for this is ... soooo BORINGGGG...ugh so many terms..and its not like...a textbook..its like a course pack comprised of a billion academic journal articles......aka boring 20 page articles....... UGHH this is do or die.....the most important course of the PROGRAM..... better do good....its on tuesday :S so scurred.....
and then take a break of course by going to hammy to partttty and celebrate the birthday offffffff my jeffy. ugh can't wait..gonna get anywho, i just wanna thank some people for helping me make choices that much easier for me. if you're gonna allow that kinda shit to happen, then i'm gonna make the smart choice to avoid all that. grow up already will you? thanks! im gonna have fun next couple of weeks!! ahh.. sometimes im glad i just don't care about anything..someone once told me that i'm way too passive..meaning i never let anything bother me and not really "care" about anything... honestly, is that really a bad thing? i dont have time for other people's opinions..i base my choices on how i am treated and i do whats best for me. so really, you're doing it to yourself... living life stressfree (minus stress from school of course) is the way to go....why let these things affect you if its just gonna add stress to your life? totally unnecessary... :) happy november everyone! i know mine wont be too happy...aka assignments GALORE...also birthdays galore! janice and tommy's birthday on friday...gonna be funnnn with everyone there... and saturday lisa's birthday... woohoo!!!! lisa's so smart. ask her what she is and she'll tell you she's smart ;)
and then take a break of course by going to hammy to partttty and celebrate the birthday offffffff my jeffy. ugh can't wait..gonna get anywho, i just wanna thank some people for helping me make choices that much easier for me. if you're gonna allow that kinda shit to happen, then i'm gonna make the smart choice to avoid all that. grow up already will you? thanks! im gonna have fun next couple of weeks!! ahh.. sometimes im glad i just don't care about anything..someone once told me that i'm way too passive..meaning i never let anything bother me and not really "care" about anything... honestly, is that really a bad thing? i dont have time for other people's opinions..i base my choices on how i am treated and i do whats best for me. so really, you're doing it to yourself... living life stressfree (minus stress from school of course) is the way to go....why let these things affect you if its just gonna add stress to your life? totally unnecessary... :) happy november everyone! i know mine wont be too happy...aka assignments GALORE...also birthdays galore! janice and tommy's birthday on friday...gonna be funnnn with everyone there... and saturday lisa's birthday... woohoo!!!! lisa's so smart. ask her what she is and she'll tell you she's smart ;)
crunch time
ahhh..november is the google calendar is filled with assignment and project due dates... its going to be hectic... especially with TWO ..oops i mean wait FOURRRRR very important birthdays that i must attend to...its going to take a lot of dedication! *sigh* but it will be well worth it :) ugh.. aka i will fail my exam fo sho... effffffffffffff i can't afford do anything else but celebrate those birthdays this month.. i have to i have to i have to.... aahh

anyway, i think people need to calm down...take a step back..and stop hating the world and blaming everyone else for what happened. before you assume that everyone excluded you...find out your facts because thats not what happened at all...also, no one is obligated to do least in this case he wasnt..and it sucked that it had to go that way but oh well..what can you do right? so hey, take a chill pill! its not the end of the world and there are going to be endless opportunities!!! be positive!! :D
i hope everyone had a good halloween! i went to the raptors home opening...and then just played mj the rest of the night..hahaaha how fobby of me...but wahtever...kept it low key! to this day i have never gone out to celebrate halloween yet :( next year...i hope lol

anyway, i think people need to calm down...take a step back..and stop hating the world and blaming everyone else for what happened. before you assume that everyone excluded you...find out your facts because thats not what happened at all...also, no one is obligated to do least in this case he wasnt..and it sucked that it had to go that way but oh well..what can you do right? so hey, take a chill pill! its not the end of the world and there are going to be endless opportunities!!! be positive!! :D
i hope everyone had a good halloween! i went to the raptors home opening...and then just played mj the rest of the night..hahaaha how fobby of me...but wahtever...kept it low key! to this day i have never gone out to celebrate halloween yet :( next year...i hope lol
lets go raptors!!

for suzi: OMGGG yeahhh they dont sell this style of minnetonkas in canada..they have the higher knee ones..but no ankle bootie... and the ankle booties they have here are way too short..and (here there are)

happy halloween!!!!! what areyou guys doing tonight?? to this day i still have NEVER gone out (during university) to acutally party on halloween.. sad isnt it? i dont do much... but today i'm going to the raptors home opening....super excited for that..although i kinda have the WORST SEATS EVER....ugh but wahtever... i'll deal with it...FREEEEE STUFFF YAYYY lolll
red - i know i nkow...but i think i can handle it :S :S
ray - OMGGGGGGGGGG god i haven't talked to you in forever? how's the lan doh master doing?? ;) yeah 2 full time're insane..why you killin urself for?! i guess the lan doh ways aren't doin it for u huh?? i always told you that u were bad...u never listened..hehehe! anyway, hope you're doing good!! dont kill yourself :)

*sigh* november's a brutal month... i hate all these assignments bah.. but other than that.. i bought myself some shoes =D nothing fancy.. just some vans..chukkas... went shopping with chris today.. so random..i haven't shopped in forever..and let me tell u...carrying a back pack with a laptop in it for 4 hours straight.. NOT chris was sweating so much.. eew.. and my shoulders were killing!!!...not fun..however..we were pretty happy with our purcha
ses!!! =D
i guess since i can't buy my other leather brown boots (oh.. you'll be mine some day...:( ) i'm settling for these to kinda beat up in the winter...i have so many black boot-like shoes... first of all i've got my steve madden slouchy boots that everyone seems to have..i wish i had them in grey tho... .and of course.. my minnetonkas.. ahh love them.... so comfy....just not THAT comfy after walking around in them for 5 hours downtown..aka today.. i donno why....and ugh one thing i hate about them...wen i take off my boots, my socks come off with them... ughh pet peeve!!!
ah well... i like my vans and am quite happy with my purchase :) me and chris couldnt stop talking about how excited we were about our purchases... ^_^ such nerds i know...but i havent bought anything in so long...... sooooo i think i deserve this..
i've been going thro
ugh a hectic one will ever understand...hate my life sometimes! and the only thing i can do about it is blog about it cuz no one's ever there..yeah... whatever. i do what i do best. keep things bottled in inside. its whether or not you notice andif you actually want to make the effort to do anything about it. meh. my life is all work, school work, school, assignments, dealing with people i dont even know in my groups, and more work. i dont do anything else.. ugh and i think thats why im going a little crazy..-___-
i wish i had a hobby....
and a ps3. and probably little big planet to go along with it.
ray - OMGGGGGGGGGG god i haven't talked to you in forever? how's the lan doh master doing?? ;) yeah 2 full time're insane..why you killin urself for?! i guess the lan doh ways aren't doin it for u huh?? i always told you that u were bad...u never listened..hehehe! anyway, hope you're doing good!! dont kill yourself :)

*sigh* november's a brutal month... i hate all these assignments bah.. but other than that.. i bought myself some shoes =D nothing fancy.. just some vans..chukkas... went shopping with chris today.. so random..i haven't shopped in forever..and let me tell u...carrying a back pack with a laptop in it for 4 hours straight.. NOT chris was sweating so much.. eew.. and my shoulders were killing!!!...not fun..however..we were pretty happy with our purcha

i guess since i can't buy my other leather brown boots (oh.. you'll be mine some day...:( ) i'm settling for these to kinda beat up in the winter...i have so many black boot-like shoes... first of all i've got my steve madden slouchy boots that everyone seems to have..i wish i had them in grey tho... .and of course.. my minnetonkas.. ahh love them.... so comfy....just not THAT comfy after walking around in them for 5 hours downtown..aka today.. i donno why....and ugh one thing i hate about them...wen i take off my boots, my socks come off with them... ughh pet peeve!!!
ah well... i like my vans and am quite happy with my purchase :) me and chris couldnt stop talking about how excited we were about our purchases... ^_^ such nerds i know...but i havent bought anything in so long...... sooooo i think i deserve this..
i've been going thro

i wish i had a hobby....
and a ps3. and probably little big planet to go along with it.
lost and found
more and more people are finding me =) (hi suzi!!) perfect. i also like when people comment on my posts.. i wanna know whos reading about my life!! why do i blog about what goes on? i dont know. cuz i like to share my experiences with the world... LAME.. haha i dont know .. mainly cuz i'm mad and i have no one to talk to...or.. i just dont want to burden them with my problems and issues or because im excited about something.
like today. i havent told many people..but i've been applying to a lot of jobs lately... in preparation for graduation... so i got offered three interview invites and one email telling me they WILL contact me first week of may, closer to graduation. So, I ended up taking the first two which was one for Direct Energy... and one for Stimagine (a small IT consulting company)... and turning down the third which was just a pure marketing firm.
Thursday 10:30am. I went to yonge and sheppard.... went in...filled out an application and got called into an offfice.... after introductions and stuff, she asked me if i knew the positions that were being offered.. so yeahh. im like yeah i wasnt really sure so if you could further explain what these positions are? she told me it was for door-to-door selling for their products.. im like.. oh ok.. "do you see yourself doing that?" "hmm... no not really.." "okay well i'll keep your resume in case" "okay thanks" and i was out of there within 10 minutes... WASTE OF TIME.. luckily my mom drove me.. i woudlve been soo mad...
Friday 10am. I ended up driving myself to this place...its pretty close to home...warden and 14th? so anwyay, i got there...and i have to admit....i think the interview went well! =D he kept saying things like "oh okok impressive" or he was genuinely interested in the things i had to tell him about.. so i'm pretty happy about that.. he has to conduct a few more interviews..then set up a 2nd round of interviews for those that he liked most.... the only thing is.. its a part time position..starting as soon as possible... can i handle 2 jobs plus school? i honestly think i can. but some people are telling me otherwise... i dont know.. i can generally handle a lot.. i just might be tired out but i mean, as long as its not a take home kinda job..(which i doubt since its part time), i think i should have enough time to focus on school and such. he also told me that times were pretty flexible meaning i could take off a day or two for exams and stuff.. which is reasonable..i mean, he does know i still am in school.
So thats it! that was my week! pretty exciting stuff eh? for me anyway... we're all growing up :( i want to be forever 21...hehehe.. sorry no pictures this post!! next time!
like today. i havent told many people..but i've been applying to a lot of jobs lately... in preparation for graduation... so i got offered three interview invites and one email telling me they WILL contact me first week of may, closer to graduation. So, I ended up taking the first two which was one for Direct Energy... and one for Stimagine (a small IT consulting company)... and turning down the third which was just a pure marketing firm.
Thursday 10:30am. I went to yonge and sheppard.... went in...filled out an application and got called into an offfice.... after introductions and stuff, she asked me if i knew the positions that were being offered.. so yeahh. im like yeah i wasnt really sure so if you could further explain what these positions are? she told me it was for door-to-door selling for their products.. im like.. oh ok.. "do you see yourself doing that?" "hmm... no not really.." "okay well i'll keep your resume in case" "okay thanks" and i was out of there within 10 minutes... WASTE OF TIME.. luckily my mom drove me.. i woudlve been soo mad...
Friday 10am. I ended up driving myself to this place...its pretty close to home...warden and 14th? so anwyay, i got there...and i have to admit....i think the interview went well! =D he kept saying things like "oh okok impressive" or he was genuinely interested in the things i had to tell him about.. so i'm pretty happy about that.. he has to conduct a few more interviews..then set up a 2nd round of interviews for those that he liked most.... the only thing is.. its a part time position..starting as soon as possible... can i handle 2 jobs plus school? i honestly think i can. but some people are telling me otherwise... i dont know.. i can generally handle a lot.. i just might be tired out but i mean, as long as its not a take home kinda job..(which i doubt since its part time), i think i should have enough time to focus on school and such. he also told me that times were pretty flexible meaning i could take off a day or two for exams and stuff.. which is reasonable..i mean, he does know i still am in school.
So thats it! that was my week! pretty exciting stuff eh? for me anyway... we're all growing up :( i want to be forever 21...hehehe.. sorry no pictures this post!! next time!
just one more
one more midterm!!! FINALLY... then a million assignments and papers to come!!! which is alright i guess.. i don't mind TOO much.. hmm..
mm im excited...might go to florida in feb... then might just ditch the idea of doing a grand europe/japan trip in april/may and do a cuba/dominican trip since a lot of people seem to be down... it's probably cheaper to book in a group..but i dont think i'd car plan is to tell everyone the location, the date, the price and at which agency and let people do it themselves... thers no way i'm going to plan a GROUP thing...the paying would be INSANE.. and to collect that much from everyone? man..but then im sure thers an easier way....i think i'll go in and talk to someone about that...either way.. i don't really care who's going and who's not..i know a solid amount of people that are 100% and im content with that! its going to be FUN! just gonna be drunk 24/7 and tan like relaxing after...lets see..16 years of schooling.. KG doesnt count cuz u play all day =) but aaaahhh.. we all deserve this... and i nkow a lot of people aren't graduating on time due to coop, not enough credits, whatever the reason, then they deserve it MOREEE!! time to damage that bank account (and make it back later hahaa) just imagine ourselves swimming at 9pm in the night.. with a drink in hand of course..not having to worry about a care in the world...ahhhh tasty..
- mhr 2nd report
- itm700 final report - nov 18th
- mkt403 issue paper - nov 21st
- mkt423 questionnaire
- itm729 report
mm im excited...might go to florida in feb... then might just ditch the idea of doing a grand europe/japan trip in april/may and do a cuba/dominican trip since a lot of people seem to be down... it's probably cheaper to book in a group..but i dont think i'd car

i just don't care anymore. don't care about what you do, don't care about the choices you make... i just don't care. hey, its your life right? its just too bad you don't realize what the consequences are. whatever... it's not like im priority anyway, right? or at least thats the vibe i'm getting.
on a happier note, i played little big planet today!!!! soooo much fun! i actually can't wait till it comes out..and i don't even own a ps3... nor can i get easy access to one.....well actually i think im gonna play it at my sister's place first =D i KNOW she'll like it.. she'll LOVE IT.. who can hate LBP?? it's just not possible!! they're so CUTE!!!
look at this lil chinese dragon sackboy!!! ^_^ i can't wait to customize my own little sackboy!!! or girl...but boys are so much
cuter..don't you agree?
i got asked to do a short 2 question interview..cuz i was one of 3 girls in line probably... and i 'looked' like a gamer.. shes like "areyou a gamer?" im like..uhhhhhhhhhhhhh no.. not really...but id o like gaming? haha~ i think i underestimated myself just a bit.. but anyway, she asked me about influences games have on relation to girl gamers in general.. or soemthign like that.. i have no clue i just rambled on about how games nowadays are so violent and therefore not attracting girls to game...but now that i think about it.. gaming involves technology and naturally, girls just don't like technology all that much! i agree though.. shopping is just MUCH much easier!! ^_^
which reminds me.. i want my boots so badly =( but i think i'm not going to get them.. funds just don't support.. if i sell enough old/used clothing...then maybe i'll think about getting them....but first, bills are priority..
fuck. who am i kidding.. of course i care. why else am i so fucking upset. i'm not happy. can't you tell? can't you just show me signs of love and care for once? i'm not just a friend. jesus christ. i hate inconsistency. this doesn't get easier. it just gets harder.
on a happier note, i played little big planet today!!!! soooo much fun! i actually can't wait till it comes out..and i don't even own a ps3... nor can i get easy access to one.....well actually i think im gonna play it at my sister's place first =D i KNOW she'll like it.. she'll LOVE IT.. who can hate LBP?? it's just not possible!! they're so CUTE!!!
look at this lil chinese dragon sackboy!!! ^_^ i can't wait to customize my own little sackboy!!! or girl...but boys are so much

i got asked to do a short 2 question interview..cuz i was one of 3 girls in line probably... and i 'looked' like a gamer.. shes like "areyou a gamer?" im like..uhhhhhhhhhhhhh no.. not really...but id o like gaming? haha~ i think i underestimated myself just a bit.. but anyway, she asked me about influences games have on relation to girl gamers in general.. or soemthign like that.. i have no clue i just rambled on about how games nowadays are so violent and therefore not attracting girls to game...but now that i think about it.. gaming involves technology and naturally, girls just don't like technology all that much! i agree though.. shopping is just MUCH much easier!! ^_^
which reminds me.. i want my boots so badly =( but i think i'm not going to get them.. funds just don't support.. if i sell enough old/used clothing...then maybe i'll think about getting them....but first, bills are priority..
fuck. who am i kidding.. of course i care. why else am i so fucking upset. i'm not happy. can't you tell? can't you just show me signs of love and care for once? i'm not just a friend. jesus christ. i hate inconsistency. this doesn't get easier. it just gets harder.
13.10.08 a good way

OY.. what a weekend!!! super fun.. (kind of stressful) but aahh....very relaxing.. :) thursday night studied... friday had 2 exams :( i think i did so bad on the 2nd one.. argh.. almost ran out of time too.. shiet... and then friday night.. BONNIE'S GONGSHOW in toronto!!!! such a great night!
after my online midterm.. RUSHED over to tommys for the pre drink....with half an hour to spare, birthday girl not even there yet... we drank as much as we possibly could before the limo got there.. and then went down... and the rest is history..(like actually since no one remembers anything apparently) aah but super fun.. saturday.. LITERALLY did nothing... lounged around.. went out for lunch..then went back home and slept till liek 4pm.. TRUE! i went home for dinner..rested up... and went to jeffs house to hang out and... NOT play hide and seek in the dark... =\ ahahha for 2 hours.. ughh by the end of the night.. i was so tired.. -_____- slept excellent tho becuase i woke up today just knowing i'll be feasting tonight...yummmm turkey....*drools*
ahh now im super tired...and now i have to finish an assignment thats due for tuesday.. the madness continues..(at least i have no midterms twice in one day -___-) i hope everyone had a good thanksgiving!!
readings and more readings
aaahhh all these readings are driving me crazy...
mhr: chapters 1-6 - 3/6 completed
mkt423: chapters 1-7 - 0/7 completed
mkt403: chapters 1-8 - 3/8 completed
bah! thats 21 chapters in total... its okay.. i have a week to read them all .. i have 15 more to do.. i can do it! if i do 2 a day...starting today.. 2x7 is 14... hmm that sounds good... better get to it then =(
mhr: chapters 1-6 - 3/6 completed
mkt423: chapters 1-7 - 0/7 completed
mkt403: chapters 1-8 - 3/8 completed
bah! thats 21 chapters in total... its okay.. i have a week to read them all .. i have 15 more to do.. i can do it! if i do 2 a day...starting today.. 2x7 is 14... hmm that sounds good... better get to it then =(
no voice
so i lost my voice last night =( i guess from talking too much (which i always do) even with a super sore and dry throat.. well it wasnt really sore..but more dry i guesss... -____- i dont even know what happened... throught hte day i was perfectly fine.. at 12am i was fine..then it just got worse.. im assuming i lost it between the hours of 1-2:30am..hmmm
yesterday was fun.. walked down queen west before heading back up. did anyone buy anything? of course nick went out to eat.. played wiifit at my house of course.. trying to master the ski jump duhh.... and then went out to bbt and played signal for 4 hours! LOL it was pretty intense and i think we all did generally well... i still hate that game though... lol i'm always on the losing team..but this time .. teaming up with lawrence was def a good choice... hahaa we kept wining!!!! but then we lost our hot streak near the end.. lol fun night.. we pretty much got kicked out of destiny lol.. we didn't even realize how late it was until they dropped teh bill on us...
anywho, at the end of the night julian was like "ok ur voice is just gone" and yeah.. i noticed it getting worse throughout the night too..woke up this morning.. called jeff cuz i said i would and realized i coudlnt even say a word.. of course he just laughed in my face...err ..ear.... and it was pretty funny.. i was struggglingg... and i kinda still am -_____- but once inawhile, while reading my mkt textbook, i'll read a sentence and see that it got SLIGHTLY better....with hot water, honey and lemon of course lol.. i googled how to get my voice back and someone said eat yogurt?? .. random... tonight will be interesting!!! going to CIRCA!! you got it! im so excited.. free vip and free drinks!! although im not sure alcohol would be the right answer for my vocal chords.. oh what the hell.. i dont need to talk to anyone anyway =D haaha jks.. it'll be a lot of communication via texts im assuming..=\
FRICK i have 3 midterms in 2 days..(1 on oct 9 and 2 on oct 10t).. i could do one on saturday but i prefer to free up my long weekend =D must .. start..!!! back to reading!
yesterday was fun.. walked down queen west before heading back up. did anyone buy anything? of course nick went out to eat.. played wiifit at my house of course.. trying to master the ski jump duhh.... and then went out to bbt and played signal for 4 hours! LOL it was pretty intense and i think we all did generally well... i still hate that game though... lol i'm always on the losing team..but this time .. teaming up with lawrence was def a good choice... hahaa we kept wining!!!! but then we lost our hot streak near the end.. lol fun night.. we pretty much got kicked out of destiny lol.. we didn't even realize how late it was until they dropped teh bill on us...
anywho, at the end of the night julian was like "ok ur voice is just gone" and yeah.. i noticed it getting worse throughout the night too..woke up this morning.. called jeff cuz i said i would and realized i coudlnt even say a word.. of course he just laughed in my face...err ..ear.... and it was pretty funny.. i was struggglingg... and i kinda still am -_____- but once inawhile, while reading my mkt textbook, i'll read a sentence and see that it got SLIGHTLY better....with hot water, honey and lemon of course lol.. i googled how to get my voice back and someone said eat yogurt?? .. random... tonight will be interesting!!! going to CIRCA!! you got it! im so excited.. free vip and free drinks!! although im not sure alcohol would be the right answer for my vocal chords.. oh what the hell.. i dont need to talk to anyone anyway =D haaha jks.. it'll be a lot of communication via texts im assuming..=\
FRICK i have 3 midterms in 2 days..(1 on oct 9 and 2 on oct 10t).. i could do one on saturday but i prefer to free up my long weekend =D must .. start..!!! back to reading!
viva niagara
so i went to niagara on saturday.. and buffalo of course... man the new forever 21 there is MASSIVE its amazing..but of course i didn't actively look for anything.. can't really afford to buy antyhign now and didn't see anything i loved.. i bought pj shorts tho =D love those shorts...
i also bought the room flowers from bath and body works.. welll the plug in scents.. mmm smells so good... and i bought an EGG CLOCK.. so awesome
u push it and it wobbles and its so i bought white cuz it looks most like an cool:D biggest implulse buy ever..but it was 12 bucks =) so its all good!
anyway niagara/buffalo was mad tiring.. basically walked aroudn outlets and malls all day.. got back to niagara at 10:30... waited aroudn doing nothing till 11:30.. and went up to jeffs room only to find like 10 guys in tehre playing poker and drinking... and i was supposed to sleep in that room..but fuck that..ugh.. i was insanely pissed off.. so i went back to my original room to sleep.. ugh... they ended up goign to bed at like 5:30.. dont people ever sleep anymore? glad i didn't sleep in there.. it was sooo FILTHY bottle caps.. sunflower seed shells, bottles, cups, clothes, dirty towels, shoes, bags, ugh.. u name it they had it.. -_____- lets just say..that part couldve been better..
anyway, coming back was not cool either... im back into reality.. school.. school..and more school. damn i totally didn't even know i had an assignment due tuesday either... so here i am..sunday night..scrambling to catch up.. thats okay tho.. =) i'm pro!
i also bought the room flowers from bath and body works.. welll the plug in scents.. mmm smells so good... and i bought an EGG CLOCK.. so awesome

u push it and it wobbles and its so i bought white cuz it looks most like an cool:D biggest implulse buy ever..but it was 12 bucks =) so its all good!
anyway niagara/buffalo was mad tiring.. basically walked aroudn outlets and malls all day.. got back to niagara at 10:30... waited aroudn doing nothing till 11:30.. and went up to jeffs room only to find like 10 guys in tehre playing poker and drinking... and i was supposed to sleep in that room..but fuck that..ugh.. i was insanely pissed off.. so i went back to my original room to sleep.. ugh... they ended up goign to bed at like 5:30.. dont people ever sleep anymore? glad i didn't sleep in there.. it was sooo FILTHY bottle caps.. sunflower seed shells, bottles, cups, clothes, dirty towels, shoes, bags, ugh.. u name it they had it.. -_____- lets just say..that part couldve been better..
anyway, coming back was not cool either... im back into reality.. school.. school..and more school. damn i totally didn't even know i had an assignment due tuesday either... so here i am..sunday night..scrambling to catch up.. thats okay tho.. =) i'm pro!
stress already!
bah... school's stressing me out already..and basically.. everythign else... my life and where its going.. and this sucks cuz i can't really talk to anyone about it.. -___- i think i've made some bad choices..but aiy.. i can't do anything about it now... i just have to move forward and stop dwelling... plus i think this semester is gonna be a ton of work...these 2 online marketing classes are killing me!!! not so much mhr and itm729...but these marketing classes and my itm700 .... i have a group project for every single class too... aiya... group work sucks... i'm gonna get super confused.. at least my marketing classes keep me on top of everything every week =S i'm forcing myself to take notes for these chapters ever week..this is gonna be brutal...
on a brighter note, our client company contacted me this morning and set up a meeting for friday at 3pm!! aaah wheww... we most likely got it..but still.. you never know right? hopefully it wont run too long..jeffys coming into town to hang out for a bit...
of course i can't even go to the gym today because my brother took the per usual. i never have a say in anything around here.. maybe taking on this group project as a leader might be good for me..although what good is it when no one takes me seriously..
aahh i need to also prepare my resume soon.. jsut in case.. i wanna attend some information sessions.. exxon, ibm, deloitte maybe... see what kinds of opportunities there are..but for those of you who don't know me... or know me... when it comes to applying for career type jobs, i have extremely low self esteem... sighhhhhhhhhhh
on a brighter note, our client company contacted me this morning and set up a meeting for friday at 3pm!! aaah wheww... we most likely got it..but still.. you never know right? hopefully it wont run too long..jeffys coming into town to hang out for a bit...
of course i can't even go to the gym today because my brother took the per usual. i never have a say in anything around here.. maybe taking on this group project as a leader might be good for me..although what good is it when no one takes me seriously..
aahh i need to also prepare my resume soon.. jsut in case.. i wanna attend some information sessions.. exxon, ibm, deloitte maybe... see what kinds of opportunities there are..but for those of you who don't know me... or know me... when it comes to applying for career type jobs, i have extremely low self esteem... sighhhhhhhhhhh
first days of school
bah.. its the first few weeks of school.... and i remember why i hate buying books.. so much hassle..but its good to have friends that are older..whew... i just have to do this 2 more times..and its OVERRRRR but anyway, weathers been really hot....but i nkow that fall is just around the corner.. speaking of fall....
i really want that leather jacket =( i tried buying..but i just cant get myself to buy it....its $199!!!!!!! should i do it?? almost everyone has said..just buy real'll last longer..and wont look so cheap i guess.. everytime i say OK im going to go buy it...i get there and chicken out =( its just so much money.. but.. i've been thinking about it almost everyday.. i tiredl ooking for the faux leather ones at like h&m...sold out .. of course... thers still le chateaux... its like 80 dollars... but pay over double.. and ig et real leather.. is it worth it?? aiya i don't know what to do..
i really want that leather jacket =( i tried buying..but i just cant get myself to buy it....its $199!!!!!!! should i do it?? almost everyone has said..just buy real'll last longer..and wont look so cheap i guess.. everytime i say OK im going to go buy it...i get there and chicken out =( its just so much money.. but.. i've been thinking about it almost everyday.. i tiredl ooking for the faux leather ones at like h&m...sold out .. of course... thers still le chateaux... its like 80 dollars... but pay over double.. and ig et real leather.. is it worth it?? aiya i don't know what to do..
how do you go from seeing someone almost everyday for 4 months to once every 2 or 3 weeks? espeically if that someone is someone you trust more than anyone else..someone you love most..your best friend pretty much -____-... sigh... whats wrong with me...get a hold of yourself... he's a long d phonecall away, 1 hour drive away, 2 hour commute away... others have it way worse than us.. it's just hard being away from someone u care about for any long amount of time.. -__--
ok enough of this shit.. we'll be fine
ok enough of this shit.. we'll be fine
drank too much last night =( now i have a massive it was fun! it was a good last friday night of the summer!!! wooohoo!!!
frig but so down about school..i so don't want it to start..but then is our last and final year!!!! no more after that!!!!
but i'm still looking for someone to go travel with after i graduate =(
frig but so down about school..i so don't want it to start..but then is our last and final year!!!! no more after that!!!!
but i'm still looking for someone to go travel with after i graduate =(
bah... i only want scool to start cuz thats when i can get into regular routine of going back to the gym...summer has too many spontaneous plans.. or just plans in general... meh! been eating a lot of bad foods lately too lol.. i HAVE to have gained weight =( i had wings twice within three days.. ughhh
anyway, i upgraded my laptop to vista.... not bad i guess .. i kinda like it..i'll get used to vista score was a 4.0 which is pretty good.. so thats good!
=( school in exactly a week..... this sucks.. i dont want school to start...jeff goes back to the hammer... -____- and he's like my only friend =( and he'll go to vintage/used clothing stores with me... lolll! :( and school is schoool.. who likes school... i think im just terrified of itm700/800.. damn and ihavent even talked to my boss in over a week!! i've been doing nothing!!!! ugh
anyway, i upgraded my laptop to vista.... not bad i guess .. i kinda like it..i'll get used to vista score was a 4.0 which is pretty good.. so thats good!
=( school in exactly a week..... this sucks.. i dont want school to start...jeff goes back to the hammer... -____- and he's like my only friend =( and he'll go to vintage/used clothing stores with me... lolll! :( and school is schoool.. who likes school... i think im just terrified of itm700/800.. damn and ihavent even talked to my boss in over a week!! i've been doing nothing!!!! ugh
ah so what a fun weekeend... today i feel sooo exhausted from it i just wanna sleep in forever! omg.. but friday, me and jeff went downtown... got a WHOLE BUNCH of free stuff...3 packs of gum a full bottle of dr pepper plus a coupon for a free case of 12, seeds to grown beans.. and a free can of the new vitao.... yumm.. so we go thtere at 11 cuz i had to sell some clothing to someone.. and we had to wait for edwin to get off work at 4:30ish.. omgggg we walked aroudn everywhere but we went to bier market after..and i had FRULI.. aka strawberry flavoured beer!!! so good!! easily get drunk off that..but its expensive..and i bet u alcohol level isnt that high anyway... anyway, went to speghetti factory after and it was alright... cheap food but nothing special
saturday went down to the ex.. walked around.. went out to eat after.. then went to a bar ...then went home and i dropped onto my bed... bahhh
im hungry...and fat.. i need to get to the gym asap when school starts.. hopefully i'll get into a more frequent routine -___-
saturday went down to the ex.. walked around.. went out to eat after.. then went to a bar ...then went home and i dropped onto my bed... bahhh
im hungry...and fat.. i need to get to the gym asap when school starts.. hopefully i'll get into a more frequent routine -___-
this 410 report is so stupid.. i swear im just summarizing everything he gave us.. ugh and plus all my numbers for my analysis are whackkkk.. and i haven't even done them properly.. mainly cuz i don't know how... =s
i've been working nonstop since 1pm this afternoon... give or take 2-3 breaks..but i guess i've got a lot done... i should be able to finish by tmr afternoon ish? knowing me..probably by night...
stress level is rising.. i hate how i had school this whole summer..i've always had to worry about SOEMTHING.. ugh.. i'm totally pmsing but shit... everyone's just being so annoying lately.. so frsutrating.. its like people like to aggravate me and push me to my limit. i think i'm just more frustrated at the fact that people who i thought would be there for me..aren't there. its just disappointing thats all.. and i definitely don't want school to start.. i need a break from everything and particular people...maybe school will be least for SOME things
i've been working nonstop since 1pm this afternoon... give or take 2-3 breaks..but i guess i've got a lot done... i should be able to finish by tmr afternoon ish? knowing me..probably by night...
stress level is rising.. i hate how i had school this whole summer..i've always had to worry about SOEMTHING.. ugh.. i'm totally pmsing but shit... everyone's just being so annoying lately.. so frsutrating.. its like people like to aggravate me and push me to my limit. i think i'm just more frustrated at the fact that people who i thought would be there for me..aren't there. its just disappointing thats all.. and i definitely don't want school to start.. i need a break from everything and particular people...maybe school will be least for SOME things
frig what a bad morning.. i woke up.. got on the bus at like 10.. then when im half way into the bus ride, i realized i forgot something for work.. so im like.. ok.. its probably not ahuge deal..then when imliek 5 minutes away from finch station, i realized i forgot my usb key!! ugh .. which happens to have like.. my LIFE on it... so fuck i had to go allthe way to finch.. then hop back on the bus to go home... thankfully jeff saved my life and picked me up from laureleaf and drove me home to get my stuff.. so i took him to lunch and then he drove me back to finch.. wheww... thats what boyfriends are good for =D frig..but still either way... i was so mad at myself.. so careless! ugh
used clothing
so i posted a bunch of my used clothing on craigslist..and it was quite successful for the most part... im planning on meeting a few people to selll stuff.. anyway, some people also noticed that i had more than one post and wanted to know if i had a site where they could look at all of them... of course i didn't..then i thought i could just post them in my blog.. so i made another one.. help me advertise!!! =D lol (i know i'll get lazy with this real fast..but whatever! summer project!! and who knows, maybe i can help you sell soem stuff too...! might as well... if you're not gonna wear it right!!)
GO HERE to take a look.. =)
GO HERE to take a look.. =)
yeah!! im going to see pinbackk..wooot! im so stoked..its oct 7th at the mod club..
here's the link for anyone that wants to go see it.. otherwise...there it is!!!
anyway i'm starting to like this blogspot thing.... not as good as xanga because of the footsteps..and being able to see who's accessed my page at what time and which page....(yup i know who you are and what pages u look at) but yeah.. i really don't care anymore.. plus, anyone is allowed to comment and you don't have to be a member! i also like the labelling for posts... it works well. also because there are a bunch of fashion blogs that i like to look at.. it helps me to keep all their links in a neat little list =) yes it's time i'm converting..slowly... don't know if it'll last tho.. we'll see!
here's the link for anyone that wants to go see it.. otherwise...there it is!!!
anyway i'm starting to like this blogspot thing.... not as good as xanga because of the footsteps..and being able to see who's accessed my page at what time and which page....(yup i know who you are and what pages u look at) but yeah.. i really don't care anymore.. plus, anyone is allowed to comment and you don't have to be a member! i also like the labelling for posts... it works well. also because there are a bunch of fashion blogs that i like to look at.. it helps me to keep all their links in a neat little list =) yes it's time i'm converting..slowly... don't know if it'll last tho.. we'll see!
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